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来源:现代物流与供应链安徽省重点实验室 阅读次数:1077 日期:2021-01-19

项目负责人和项目组成员在国内外顶尖学术期刊共发表论文97,其中SCI/SSCI 82,包括Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations ManagementUTD24顶级期刊发表14国际会议论文5中文核心10篇;授权发明专利、实用新型专利8(包括实审、申请阶段);国家级奖励8级奖励1,国际级奖励1项,其他学会奖励2


 UTD 14

[1]Y. Aviv, M. M. Wei, and F. Q. Zhang (2019). Responsive pricing of fashion products: The effects of demand learning and strategic consumer behavior[J]. Management Science, 65(7), 2982-3000.

[2]E. Bolandifar, T. J. Feng, and F. Q. Zhang (2018). Simple contracts to assure supply under noncontractible capacity and asymmetric cost information[J]. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 20(2), 217-231.

[3]T. J. Feng, Z. J. Ren, and F. Q. Zhang (2019). Service outsourcing: Capacity, quality and correlated costs[J]. Production and Operations Management, 28(3), 682-699.

[4]G. Gallego, M. Z. F. Li, and Y. Liu (2020). Dynamic nonlinear pricing of inventories over finite sales horizons[J]. Operations Research, 68(3), 655-670.

[5]M. Lin, X. J. A. Pan, and Q. Zheng (2020). Platform pricing with strategic buyers: The impact of future production cost[J]. Production and Operations Management, 29(5), 1122-1144.

[6]L. S. Shao, X. L. Wu, and F. Q. Zhang (2020). Sourcing competition under cost uncertainty and information asymmetry[J]. Production and Operations Management, 29(2), 447-461.

[7]M. M. Wei, and F. Q. Zhang (2018). Advance selling to strategic consumers: Preorder contingent production strategy with advance selling target[J]. Production and Operations Management, 27(7), 1221-1235.

[8]X. M. Yan (2018). On sourcing decisions with stochastic supplier reliability and stochastic demand[J]. Production and Operations Management, 27(2), 265-268.

[9]F. Q. Zhang, and R. Y. Zhang (2018). Trade-in remanufacturing, customer purchasing behavior, and government policy[J]. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 20(4), 601-616.

[10]Q. Zheng, X. A. Pan, and A. J. Vakharia (2020). Common retailer channel revisited: The role of supply network size[J]. Production and Operations Management, 29(9), 2175-2181.

[11]Sun, Libo; Lyu, Guodong*; Yu, Yugang; Teo, Chung Piaw(2020). Cross-border e-commerce data set: Choosing the right fulfillment option[J]. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management..

[12]Ping Cao; Shuangchi He; Junfei Huang; Yunan Liu(2020). To Pool or Not to Pool: Queueing Design for Large-Scale Service Systems[J]. Operations Research,Articles in Advance.

[13]Xiaolong Guo; Shengming Zheng*; Yugang Yu; Fuqiang Zhang(2021). Optimal Bundling Strategy for a Retail Platform Under Agency Selling[J]. Production and Operations Management.

[14]Cao Qingning(#); Geng Xianjun; Stecke Kathryn E; Zhang Jun(*)Operational role of retail bundling and its implications in a supply chain[J]PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 2019.8, 28(8): 1903~1920


SCI 68

[1]U. Bashir, Y. G. Yu, M. Hussain, X. Wang, A. Ali (2017). Do banking system transparency and competition affect nonperforming loans in the chinese banking sector?[J]. Applied Economics Letters, 24(21), 1519-1525.

[2]U. Bashir, Y. G. Yu, M. Hussain, G. F. Zebende (2016). Do foreign exchange and equity markets co-move in latin american region? Detrended cross-correlation approach[J]. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 462(889-897.

[3]P. Cao, and D. C. Yao (2018). Optimal drift rate control and impulse control for a stochastic inventory/production system[J]. Siam Journal on Control and Optimization, 56(3), 1856-1883.

[4]P. Cao, and D. C. Yao (2019). Dual sourcing policy for a continuous-review stochastic inventory system[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64(7), 2921-2928.

[5]L. H. Cheng, X. L. Guo, and B. Wang (2020). Manufacturer's leasing channel management in a car supply chain[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 37(6).

[6]S. F. Du, L. Wang, and L. Hu (2019). Omnichannel management with consumer disappointment aversion[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 215(84-101.

[7]Y. Fang, Y. G. Yu, Y. Shi, J. Liu (2020). The effect of carbon tariffs on global emission control: A global supply chain model[J]. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 133(

[8]X. L. Guo, L. H. Cheng, and J. Liu (2020). Green supply chain contracts with eco-labels issued by the sales platform: Profitability and environmental implications[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 58(5), 1485-1504.

[9]X. L. Guo, Y. F. Dong, and L. Y. Ling (2016a). Customer perspective on overbooking: The failure of customers to enjoy their reserved services, accidental or intended?[J]. Journal of Air Transport Management, 53(65-72.

[10]X. L. Guo, Y. G. Yu, and R. B. M. De Koster (2016b). Impact of required storage space on storage policy performance in a unit-load warehouse[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 54(8), 2405-2418.

[11]D. Y. Han, Y. J. Yang, D. J. Wang, T. C. E. Cheng, Y. Q. Yin (2019a). Integrated production, inventory, and outbound distribution operations with fixed departure times in a three-stage supply chain[J]. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 125(334-347.

[12]X. Y. Han, Y. G. Yu, and G. P. Hu (2019b). A dynamic newsvendor problem with goodwill-dependent demands and minimum commitment[J]. Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 89(242-256.

[13]Z. F. Hong, C. B. Chu, and Y. G. Yu (2016). Dual-mode production planning for manufacturing with emission constraints[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 251(1), 96-106.

[14]Z. F. Hong, C. B. Chu, L. D. L. Zhang, Y. G. Yu (2017). Optimizing an emission trading scheme for local governments: A stackelberg game model and hybrid algorithm[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 193(172-182.

[15]Z. F. Hong, and X. L. Guo (2019). Green product supply chain contracts considering environmental responsibilities[J]. Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 83(155-166.

[16]Z. F. Hong, H. Wang, and Y. G. Yu (2018). Green product pricing with non-green product reference[J]. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 115(1-15.

[17]Z. F. Hong, Y. R. Zhang, Y. G. Yu, C. B. Chu (2020). Dynamic pricing for remanufacturing within socially environmental incentives[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 58(13), 3976-3997.

[18]R. Q. Hou, R. De Koster, and Y. G. Yu (2018). Service investment for online retailers with social media-does it pay off?[J]. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 118(606-628.

[19]Z. M. Huang, S. F. Du, Y. G. Yu, L. Liang (2018). Preface: Behavioral operations management in social networks[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 268(1-2), 1-4.

[20]T. Ji, X. P. Xu, X. M. Yan, Y. G. Yu (2020). The production decisions and cap setting with wholesale price and revenue sharing contracts under cap-and-trade regulation[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 58(1), 128-147.

[21]I. U. Khan, Z. Hameed, Y. G. Yu, S. U. Khan (2017). Assessing the determinants of flow experience in the adoption of learning management systems: The moderating role of perceived institutional support[J]. Behaviour & Information Technology, 36(11), 1162-1176.

[22]I. U. Khan, Y. G. Yu, Z. Hameed, S. U. Khan, A. Waheed (2018). Assessing the physicians' acceptance of e-prescribing in a developing country: An extension of the utaut model with moderating effect of perceived organizational support[J]. Journal of Global Information Management, 26(3), 121-142.

[23]J. Li, T. T. Li, Y. G. Yu, Z. T. Zhang, P. M. Pardalos. (2019). Discrete firefly algorithm with compound neighborhoods for asymmetric multi-depot vehicle routing problem in the maintenance of farm machinery[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 81(

[24]B. B. Liu, X. L. Guo, Y. G. Yu, L. Tian Manufacturer's contract choice facing competing downstream online retail platforms[J]. International Journal of Production Research.

[25]B. B. Liu, X. L. Guo, Y. G. Yu, Q. Zhou (2019). Minimizing the total completion time of an urban delivery problem with uncertain assembly time[J]. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 132(163-182.

[26]J. Liu, and Y. Yang (2015). Normal limiting distribution of the size of binary interval trees[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015(

[27]Y. Shi, L. C. Alwan, C. Tang, X. H. Yue (2019). A newsvendor model with autocorrelated demand under a time-consistent dynamic cvar measure[J]. IISE Transactions, 51(6), 653-671.

[28]Y. Shi, X. L. Guo, and T. Peng (2018a). Sizing the pool of online users: A dynamic pricing model for online travel agencies[J]. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 69(9), 1456-1467.

[29]Y. Shi, T. Wang, and L. C. Alwan (2020). Analytics for cross-border e-commerce: Inventory risk management of an online fashion retailer[J]. Decision Sciences, 51(6), 1347-1376.

[30]Y. Shi, Y. G. Yu, and L. Z. Wang (2015). Operational impact on the environment: Managing service systems with environmental deterioration[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 170(310-320.

[31]Ye Shi, Xiaolong Guo, and Yugang Yu (2018b). Dynamic warehouse size planning with demand forecast and contract flexibility[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 56(3), 1313-1325.

[32]L. Sun, G. D. Lyu, Y. G. Yu, C. P. Teo (2020). Fulfillment by amazon versus fulfillment by seller: An interpretable risk-adjusted fulfillment model[J]. Naval Research Logistics, 67(8), 627-645.

[33]D. J. Wang, Y. Q. Yin, and T. C. E. Cheng (2017). A bicriterion approach to common flow allowances due window assignment and scheduling with controllable processing times[J]. Naval Research Logistics, 64(1), 41-63.

[34]D. J. Wang, Y. Q. Yin, and T. C. E. Cheng (2018). Parallel-machine rescheduling with job unavailability and rejection[J]. Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 81(246-260.

[35]D. J. Wang, Y. G. Yu, H. X. Qiu, Y. Q. Yin, T. C. E. Cheng (2020). Two-agent scheduling with linear resource-dependent processing times[J]. Naval Research Logistics, 67(7), 573-591.

[36]D. J. Wang, Y. G. Yu, Y. Q. Yin, T. C. E. Cheng Multi-agent scheduling problems under multitasking[J]. International Journal of Production Research.

[37]D. J. Wang, J. Q. Zhu, X. W. Wei, T. C. E. Cheng, Y. Q. Yin. (2019). Integrated production and multiple trips vehicle routing with time windows and uncertain travel times[J]. Computers & Operations Research, 103(1-12.

[38]X. W. Wei, H. X. Qiu, D. J. Wang, J. H. Duan, Y. Z. Wang. (2020). An integrated location-routing problem with post-disaster relief distribution[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 147(

[39]T. Weise, Y. Chen, X. L. Li, Z. Z. Wu (2020). Selecting a diverse set of benchmark instances from a tunable model problem for black-box discrete optimization algorithms[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 92(

[40]T. Weise, Y. Jiang, Q. Qi, W. C. Liu (2019a). A branch-and-bound-based crossover operator for the traveling salesman problem[J]. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence, 13(3), 1-18.

[41]T. Weise, X. F. Wang, Q. Qi, B. Li, K. Tang (2018). Automatically discovering clusters of algorithm and problem instance behaviors as well as their causes from experimental data, algorithm setups, and instance features[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 73(366-382.

[42]T. Weise, Y. Z. Wu, W. C. Liu, R. Chiong (2019b). Implementation issues in optimization algorithms: Do they matter?[J]. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 31(4), 533-554.

[43]X. P. Xu, S. Y. Wang, and Y. G. Yu (2020). Consumer's intention to purchase green furniture: Do health consciousness and environmental awareness matter?[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 704(

[44]Y. Xue, O. Caliskan-Demirag, Y. Chen, Y. G. Yu (2018). Supporting customers to sell used goods: Profitability and environmental implications[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 206(220-232.

[45]Y. Q. Yin, T. C. E. Cheng, D. J. Wang, C. C. Wu (2017a). Two-agent flowshop scheduling to maximize the weighted number of just-in-time jobs[J]. Journal of Scheduling, 20(4), 313-335.

[46]Y. Q. Yin, W. Y. Wang, D. J. Wang, T. C. E. Cheng (2017b). Multi-agent single-machine scheduling and unrestricted due date assignment with a fixed machine unavailability interval[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 111(202-215.

[47]Y. Q. Yin, Y. J. Yang, D. J. Wang, T. C. E. Cheng, C. C. Wu (2018a). Integrated production, inventory, and batch delivery scheduling with due date assignment and two competing agents[J]. Naval Research Logistics, 65(5), 393-409.

[48]Yunqiang Yin, Doudou Li, Dujuan Wang, T. C. E. Cheng (2018b). Single-machine serial-batch delivery scheduling with two competing agents and due date assignment[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 1), 1-27.

[49]Hu Yu, and Yugang Yu (2019). Optimising two dwell point policies for as/rss with input and output point at opposite ends of the aisle[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 57(21), 6615-6633.

[50]Y. G. Yu, Y. X. Dong, and X. L. Guo (2018). Pricing for sales and per-use rental services with vertical differentiation[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 270(2), 586-598.

[51]Y. G. Yu, J. Liu, X. Y. Han, C. Chen (2017). Optimal decisions for sellers considering valuation bias and strategic consumer reactions[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 259(2), 599-613.

[52]Y. G. Yu, L. B. Sun, and X. L. Guo (2020a). Dual-channel decision in a shopping complex when considering consumer channel preference[J]. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 71(10), 1638-1656.

[53]Y. G. Yu, S. J. Zhou, and Y. Shi (2020b). Information sharing or not across the supply chain: The role of carbon emission reduction[J]. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 137(

[54]Z. N. Yuan, F. Y. Chen, X. M. Yan, Y. G. Yu (2020). Operational implications of yield uncertainty in mergers and acquisitions[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 219(248-258.

[55]N. Zaerpour, Y. G. Yu, and R. B. M. De Koster (2017a). Optimal two-class-based storage in a live-cube compact storage system[J]. IISE Transactions, 49(7), 653-668.

[56]N. Zaerpour, Y. G. Yu, and R. B. M. De Kosterc (2017b). Response time analysis of a live-cube compact storage system with two storage classes[J]. IISE Transactions, 49(5), 461-480.

[57]Y. Zha, K. H. Chen, X. H. Yue, Y. G. Yu, S. Mukhopadhyay (2019). Trade credit contract in the presence of retailer investment opportunity[J]. Naval Research Logistics, 66(4), 283-296.

[58]Y. Zha, L. L. Zhao, and Y. W. Bian (2016). Measuring regional efficiency of energy and carbon dioxide emissions in china: A chance constrained dea approach[J]. Computers & Operations Research, 66(351-361.

[59]J. Q. Zhang, Q. N. Cao, and X. L. He (2020a). Manufacturer encroachment with advertising[J]. Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 91(

[60]J. Q. Zhang, Q. N. Cao, and X. H. Yue (2020b). Target or not? Endogenous advertising strategy under competition[J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems, 50(11), 4472-4481.

[61]T. Zhang, X. N. Fang, J. Liu, Y. Yang (2017). Asymptotics for the partial sum and its maximum of dependent random variables[J]. Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 57(1), 142-153.

[62]L. L. Zhao, Y. Zha, R. Ho, L. Liang (2019a). Unobservable effort, objective consistency and the efficiencies of the principal and the top management team[J]. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(6), 1011-1026.

[63]L. L. Zhao, Y. Zha, and L. Liang (2018). Uncertainty, risk, and the efficiencies of the principal and the agent: A chance constrained data envelopment analysis approach[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018(

[64]L. L. Zhao, Y. Zha, Y. L. Zhuang, L. Liang (2019b). Data envelopment analysis for sustainability evaluation in china: Tackling the economic, environmental, and social dimensions[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 275(3), 1083-1095.

[65]T. Y. Zhao, X. P. Xu, Y. Chen, L. Liang, Y. G. Yu. (2020). Coordination of a fashion supply chain with demand disruptions[J]. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 134(

[66]X. B. Zheng, and X. L. Guo (2016). E-retailing of restaurant services: Pricing strategies in a competing online environment[J]. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67(11), 1408-1418.

[67]Shaofu Du(#); Jun Qian; Tianzhuo Liu; Li Hu(*)Emission allowance allocation mechanism design: a low-carbon operations perspective[J]Annals of Operations Research2018, SCIE

[68]Yong Zha(#); Lu Zhang; Chuanyong Xu(*); Tingting ZhangA two-period pricing model with intertemporal and horizontal reference price effects[J]International Transactions in Operational ResearchSCIE


会议论文 5

[1]W. C. Liu, T. Weise, Y. Z. Wu, Q. Qi, Acm (2017). Combining two local searches with crossover: An efficient hybrid algorithm for the traveling salesman problem[M].Proceedings of the 2017 genetic and evolutionary computation conference.

[2]Q. Qi, T. Weise, B. Li, Ieee (2018). Optimization algorithm behavior modeling: A study on the traveling salesman problem[M].Proceedings of 2018 tenth international conference on advanced computational intelligence.

[3]M. A. Raayatpanah, and T. Weise (2018). Virtual network function placement for service function chaining with minimum energy consumption[M].2018 ieee international conference on computer and communication engineering technology.

[4]T. Weise (2017). From standardized data formats to standardized tools for optimization algorithm benchmarking[M].2017 ieee 16th international conference on cognitive informatics & cognitive computing.

[5]T. Weise, Z. J. Wu, M. Wagner, Aaai (2019c). An improved generic bet-and-run strategy with performance prediction for stochastic local search[M].Thirty-third aaai conference on artificial intelligence / thirty-first innovative applications of artificial intelligence conference / ninth aaai symposium on educational advances in artificial intelligence.


中文核心 10

[1]陈灿;刘杰,基于消费者购买前后感知价值差异下的卖方最优订货量与定价分析,中国科学技术大学学报, 08, pp 692-701, 2015/8/15.CSSCI,北大核心



[4]张立功,郭晓龙,韩东亚,余玉刚,考虑消费者网购体验滞后的产品定价研究,中国管理科学. 2019,27(03),77-84,CSSCI,北大核心

[5]汪欣,区域物流低碳发展能力评价及推进策略——基于长三角及中部地区81市的实证分析,河南社会科学. 2018,26(11),108-112,CSSCI,北大核心

[6]汪欣,非对称双零售商供应链的销售与回收渠道策略研究,华东经济管理. 2018,32(05),177-184,CSSCI,北大核心

[7]汪欣,合作配送下物流企业间考虑低碳效益的最优策略研究,合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版). 2017,40(11),1569-1576,北大核心

[8]汪欣,刘杰,网络零售商配送业务差别定价策略,数学的实践与认识. 2017,47(18),97-106,北大核心

[9]汪欣,万明,安徽省物流业碳排放规模及其影响因素研究——基于长三角四省市比较视角,安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2017,41(03),148-156,CSSCI,北大核心

[10]汪欣,基于中国制造2025”的供应链管理研究,商业经济研究. 2016,(20),183-186,北大核心


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